Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Addicted to Pinterest

Have you heard of Pinterest?  I hadn't until about a month ago when I noticed a few views in my Etsy shop stats coming from there.  At first when I went to check it out I didn't really get it, and wasn't too impressed.  After looking around the site a bit more I have since changed my tune, and made my own account.
If you haven't heard of it, basically it's a virtual pin board for...whatever.  You can set up categories to suit your own interests, for example a few of mine are: Dream Home, DIY, What to Wear, and Sweet.  You can browse and follow other peoples boards for more ideas and inspiration. One of the things I like about it is that when you click on the photo, or a link next to the photo it takes you to the original source, so due credit is given (that's how it's supposed to work anyway).

I have to be careful not to get sucked in, it's easy to loose an hour just browsing. 
One idea I found on there that I hope to try out this week is this:

Do you have a Pinterest? What are some of your favorites?


  1. I've never heard of it. But I will go check it out, it sounds fun. Like you said though, it is so easy to get sucked in and loose hours. I do that already on the computer!

    My husband said if he made it to where I had to ride a stationary bike to get electric to make my computer run that would be the end of that! hah! Jackass.

    ;) thanks for the idea!

  2. Ya, I don't really need another time sucker either...there aren't enough hours in the day.
    I think I remember my husband saying the same thing to me, they can be total jackasses can't they. Like he's one to talk, total computer addict. But seriously, if I had to ride a bike to run my computer I would be totally skinny.

  3. I've been tempted to check it out, but it seems a slippery slope to a lot of lost hours.

    Maybe I'll brave it one of these days...

  4. It is a very slippery slope. I try to limit my time on there, but sometimes it's like trying to eat one potato chip.

  5. I have an account, but I havent done much with it. As with twitter, I think Im afraid to get addicted to it :) there are so many beautiful images on there though!

  6. I have a twitter account too, but that doesn't suck me in...Pinterest on the other hand is turning into trouble for me, I probably should set a timer.

  7. It's all I hear about at the moment living with another Pinterest addict!
    Maybe there IS something in it...

  8. Maybe you should check it out Don =)

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