Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fun Mail

Look what I got in the mail yesterday.  Actually it arrived last week, I just couldn't seem to get to my PO box before the dang office closed until yesterday.
So anyway, Look what I got in the mail yesterday!
My own Embroidery Saint Print made by Holly at Sweetheartville.

How cool is that!
(please ignore the sad ficus in the background)

I won it over on Heather's blog Audrey Eclectic Folk Art.  If you haven't been by there, you really should take the time to check it out.  It is her birthday month and she has been having drawings every week in celebration. If you hurry you can get in on the last drawing for an original sketch. As much as I want to I haven't entered any more of the drawings, having won once it would make me feel totally greedy.

On another note, check out these wee little rag roses I've been stitching away on.
I plan to put them into some embroidery pieces.

Now, hop on over to enter Heather's Drawing!


  1. Aw, thanks Lynn! And you picked a perfect print from Holly :) I love her knitting girl! And I cant believe how itty bitty that little rose is! too precious!

  2. I'm so glad you like it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. How cool is having your very own saint? I don't know much about saints, but hey it can't be bad to have a saint praying for you!

    oh that teensy tiny rose is so cute, how on Earth did you do that?????


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